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The Latest Update On The New TOOL Album Comes From MESHUGGAH: "It Is The Best I Heard of TOOL"

Well, at least they said the demos sound good.

Well, at least they said the demos sound good.

Last week, Rob interviewed Tool frontman Maynard James Keenan about wrestling. He was specifically instructed not to ask questions about the new Tool album. I'm guessing that's a pre-requisite of any interview with Tool members, leaving fans to rely on different sources for info, like late night host Seth Meyers.

Reporting on Tool's new album is just fun at this point, because it's interesting to hear all the contrasting information given by different parties. This time around it's Meshuggah guitarist Mårten Hagström, who says Tomas Haake recently spoke to Tool drummer Danny Carey and even heard some music! The interview is pretty poorly translated from a Rocksverige interview, so bear with us.

"Yes, and we have contact with them quite often. I don't know the situation with their disc, but we say this … This is the typical Tool and they are the world's best bands and they are the only band that is slower than we are. I know that Tomas was talking with Danny Carey just before last weekend when he was over in the States and then it was apparently that "well, it'll probably be a while." Last year I was and Tomas and visited Danny in his house, when he was not too long ago had become a father, and then he played the demo material from upcoming plate. It was the demo versions, but it is the best I heard of  Tool, I can say. Then we were like, ' Shoot, then it will probably secure next year! "and it was a little bit hopeful, but now it doesn't seem so long. We'll talk with them in a few weeks when we play with them and Slayer in Sacramento, so then I can pump them a bit. (laughs)"

So the album will be a while, but it's also "in the oven," but it's also "coming soon."  Also, last week on Seth Meyers, Danny Carey confirmed the new album is real…


So who the hell knows, and frankly who cares. The album will be out whenever it's out, if it's ever out, though I've heard in the meantime some other bands make music to listen to who aren't Tool. So maybe go give them a listen?

[via The PRP]

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