Last we heard from Deftones keyboardist Frank Delgado, the band is working on new material. Deftones hasn't posted any snippets of actual song demos just yet, so while we're in the dark as to what the new stuff will sound like, we've got a fun bit of speculation now – guitarist Stephen Carpenter got a custom 9-string guitar from ESP.
Deftones have used eight strings in the past, so this wouldn't be a huge step in a weird direction, but it does portend a certain level of possible heaviness. It also helps that Carptener has been touted as being very involved in the new album writing process. So basically this new album has the potential to completely level everything Gore tried to do and maybe even make Diamond Eyes look un-heavy.
More as we know it. Plus who knows, maybe you'll hear some new Deftones material at their Dia De Los Deftones festival on November 3.