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Willowtip Records Announce 2011 Releases

by: Frank Godla

Willowtip Records Announce 2011 ReleasesSO STOKED! If you're not familiar with Willowtip Records you should be ashamed of yourself, kick your own ass, then stop fucking around on this website and visit their site immediately. They're responsible for some of the decades best and most memorable bands such as Necrophagist, Gorod, Dim Mak, Rotten Sound, Capharnaum, Crotchduster, Arsis, As Eden Burns, Alarum, Leng Tch'e, Magrudegrind, Psycroptic, Odious Mortem, Ulcerate, and Spawn of Possession. Needless to say Willowtip Records despite being a small label, is ever consistent with the quality of product they release. It is for this reason I never question a new signee and usually put their promos at the top of my listening list when received.

Now that you're just as stoked as I am about what this label is capable of releasing, I'm here to inform you they have just announced a slew of new releases due in early 2011.

Some of these new releases include Putridity, Maruta, Gigan, Vale of Pnath, and Malignancy. If that wasn't enough, they have also announced the 2011 release of the long awaited (and late) Alarum LP, a new LP from the triple axe Canadian mad men instrumentalist known as Electro Quarterstaff, as well as a release from one of my personal favorites Dim Mak. If you're not familiar with these three bands, you owe yourself a second helping of ass kicking. Click on their names to check out their myspace pages, you won't be sorry.

We're still a few weeks away from announcing our top 10 of 2010 lists here on Metal Injection, but I for one found myself mostly disappointed with releases this year. I'm excited to see some great releases on the horizon for 2011 though, things at the very least seem promising. Cheers to a new year!

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