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AngelMaker Twilight_Credit Julian Morgan at True Bear Imagery
Photo by Julian Morgan

Music Videos

ANGELMAKER Releases Fourth New EP Eclipse

Their fourth two-track EP of 2021.

AngelMaker is back with their fourth two-song EP of 2021, this time in the form of Eclipse featuring "Exit Signs" and "The Weight." You can check out "Exit Signs" above alongside a new music video, and check out the full EP here on Spotify and here on Apple Music.

"It's easy to get lost in the moment. Sometimes we don't notice all the warning signs of a situation until a lot later," said vocalist Mike Greenwood. "'Exit Signs' explores the idea that we all experience subtle warnings that we should take heed of, but often let our emotions drive us deeper down the path. The song has a bit of everything, an epic chorus, some heavy breaks, and the melancholy we love to bring to our songs."

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