I'd like to draw your attention to one of the coolest people and programs I've met along my travels over the years. Rachel Taft is her name, and accommodating hungry-tired bands is her game. There are many blog posts out there that discuss the hardships of touring, and how one of the many vital ways to cut down costs is to stay away from hotels, and eat a free meal whenever possible. In the case of Rachel and her program in Baltimore, MD, called Feed The Scene: Band & Breakfast she not only understands these hardships, but provides one of the most pampered and luxurious stays a small to mid-level band will probably ever see.
The program has already fed over 170 touring bands that pass through Baltimore, and provided shelter and showers for some of these artists who start out as complete strangers. It's truly an inspirational story, and hopefully the first of many that will allow touring bands to stay on the road. If more programs like this one existed I'm willing to bet many of the bands who break up early, due to poor touring conditions, might actually stick around longer.
If all her generosity wasn't enough, Rachel is now looking to provide proper bedding for bands that come her way, and set up a Kickstarter account to obtain your help in doing so. If you're in a touring band, or attend shows please check out her page. It's the first Kickstarter page I've ever got behind, and that's because she's only looking for your help, to help you.