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[2-12-2021] Blackgaze Band THE DROWNED GOD Deliver Vicious New Single "I Met You"

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Blackgaze Band THE DROWNED GOD Deliver Vicious New Single "I Met You"

Blast beats, ambient guitar, singing, unpredictable structure and some of the most emotional screams you'll find are all hallmarks of The Drowned God's sound. Their absolutely visceral new single, "I Met You", is just dripping with agony and is almost anxiety inducing, but in a good way. The accompanying visuals of the video capture the raw emotion of both the music and the lyrics. The Philadelphia based band hit the perfect balance of complex, heavy and ethereal.

Their newest release, Pale Home, is a pummeling 10-track fable that follows its character swallowed up by paranoia in a purgatory afterlife. It is out March 26 via Solid State Records. Pre-order it here.

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