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Cave In Zombies
Photo by Two Minutes To Late Night

Music Videos

CAVE IN Reflects On How Bad 2020 Was In New Single "Blood Spiller"

The song is equal parts trippy and heavy.

Cave In is now streaming their super spacey new single "Blood Spiller" alongside a very trippy music video directed by Jordan Olds and Drew Kaufman of Two Minutes To Late Night. The song swings between Cave In's particular brand of sludgy heaviness and an almost Pink Floyd-style of spaciness. The combination works great, and we're way stoked for Heavy Pendulum!

“If you laid out the timeline for 2020 like a recipe, it might look something like this: global pandemic + lockdowns + worldwide protests over the wrongful death of George Floyd + election year = cocktail for end times," said guitarist and vocalist Stephen Brodsky. "Somewhere in that concoction, we found ingredients for a new Cave In album. 'Blood Spiller' is the sound of us swallowing it, getting ripped on the horrors within, and coming down to reflect on it through song.”

Heavy Pendulum is out May 20. Pre-orders are available here.

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