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Delve Into the Darkness With EPIPHANIC TRUTH "The Truth Of The Beast"

Prepare for a 10-minute multifaceted aural assault! Epiphanic Truth have given us an absolutely barbarous track "The Truth of the Beast" from their upcoming album Tryptic. Hard to classify, this band combines death, black and doom metal, with jazz, EDM and ambient noise. Tryptic is a concept album that explores the dark triad of personality disorders – psychopathy, narcissism and machiavellianism. The band adds an additional layer of mystery by remaining anonymous.

The band comments: "As part one of a triptych based upon the Dark Triad of personality disorders, ‘The Truth of The Beast’ focuses on the trait of Psychopathy. Musically, the song is a journey – beginning with the aggressive frenzy wrought by those treading upon other humans, descending chaotically towards a conclusion of the callous inability to empathize with their victims or see the injustice of their actions. Lyrically, the intent is to convey the complexity of clinical psychopathy, the basic premise that separates psychopaths from other neurotypes and that every human can & will demonstrate a degree of psychopathic behavior within their lives. The Dark Triad of personality disorders is a truth contained within all of humanity to varying degrees, just without meeting the criteria of clinical disorders. It is not a truth to be celebrated but instead one to be understood."

Pre-orders for Tryptic will be available HERE.

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