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FIVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH's Ivan Moody Tries and Fails to Learn To Play Guitar

Five Finger Death Punch vocalist Ivan Moody is trying to keep busy during lockdown, so he's decided to learn to play guitar for a new video series he's calling Guitar Zero: Legends of the Fail.

In the first episode, Moody calls up his buddy Tom Maxwell of Hellyeah to get some tips but things don't turn out how Moody expects.

Maxwell actually advised against it. "I don't think you're cut out for it, man. It's just too complicated, you know what I mean it? There's … strings, and you gotta learn out to tune it. Shit, you know, it takes a lifetime just to learn how to fuckin' hold a guitar pick." He later adds, jokingly, "You got tiny-ass fingers, dude. What if you drop your pick?"

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