Mantar – the duo featuring frontman Hanno Klänhardt and drummer Erinc Sakarya – is here to tell you all about becoming the king of the perverts on their new single "Rex Perverso". It's a groovy new single with a very sunny disposition, as you'll see in the new music video directed by Guilherme Henriques.
"The title roughly translates to 'king of the perverts,' a title apparently worn with pride worldwide," said Klänhardt of the single. "This song is all about groove which has always been a main priority and one of the strongest weapons of the band. It's catchy and on point. The song triggers simple and primitive instincts. It's over before you realize you've felt it."
"Rex Perverso" comes from Mantar's upcoming new full-length record Post Apocalyptic Depression, set for release on February 14. Pre-orders are available here. On the record, Klänhardt said Mantar purposefully got away from a more produced sound and back into being down and dirty.
"We wanted to do everything different from the last album. The last album was very produced. A huge sounding record with clean production. Display of power. That was what we wanted and felt at that time. Now we are trying to destroy what we've built up with the last album. There is a certain beauty in disappointing people's expectations."