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OXYMORRONS Burst Into 2021 With "Green Vision"

Oxymorrons is an infectious, upbeat and in-your-face mix of hip hop, hard rock and punk. The New York-based boundary-destroying group have made a name for themselves in the spirit of change – both by never shying away from activism or hard subjects, and by building on the momentum created by constantly being told they are too hip-hop for rock and too rock for hip-hop (we all know how much us rockers hate being told what to do). Their new single "Green Vision" sets the stage for a 2021 that will be all about pushing forward on their mission.

"Oxymorrons started as an idea between my brother Kami and myself," explains vocalist Demi Bellevue. "From day one, Oxymorrons was a hip-hop/rock hybrid, we never wanted to stay in any one genre, and those were the two genres that spoke to us. Different people joined and left until we morphed into the four-piece you see now. It took some time to get here both in formation and sonically – when you're blending genres, it takes time to learn and know how to execute those genres in precise ways."

Oxymorrons on "Green Vision": "Green means go! So Green Vision to us is go time. It's us putting our stamp on the world with our "new" New York rock sound. It's a song that defines us as a whole sonically and image wise. It's that real New York braggadocious shit that our city is known for. It's Oxy – Hip-hop low end, heavy hitting drums, wailing guitars, and most importantly, swag. We here to break down genre barriers, kick down walls of what people consider rock music. Rock has evolved but it's here to stay and so are we!!!! Get used to it!"

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