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Music Videos

SOLUTION. 45's Video For "Alter (The Unbearable Weight Of Nothing)" Is As Stunning As The Music Is Amazing

This is how you make a music video that's focused on the members of your band.

Solution .45 put out Nightmares In The Waking State, Pt. 1 a few weeks back and it was by far one of the best releases of 2015. So how do you continue to promote an album that great? With an incredibly well-shot music video premiered exclusively through us, of course!

The band teamed up with director Patric Ullaeus for a music video for "Alter (The Unbearable Weight Of Nothing)" and clearly knocked the whole production right out of the park. The energy of the shots matches up perfectly with the ebb and flow of the music, the footage looks incredibly crisp and it just feels like a new take on a style of music video Solution .45 was going for here.

Seriously, what you're seeing up there is partially a music video and partially a "How To" on making the perfect music video.

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