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TARDIGRADE INFERNO Puts The Fun In Funeral On "Execution Is Fun!"

"This is a gloomy story about a fictional advertisement of executions."

Tardigrade Inferno is here to tell you that executions are fun! Right up until you realize the utter darkness behind the message and who controls it.

"It is a simple song, everything is in the name – 'Execution is fun!,'" said vocalist Daria Pavlovich. "This is a gloomy story about a fictional advertisement of executions, about a mad king who wants to see blood and death. It was fun to write it, it is fun to play it. And when we decided to make a video for it, all the themes were already there – a mixture of Executions and Celebrations, and absurd propaganda of violence. We just had to choose good images that we could pull off. We stopped at infomercials, a celebration in a prison cellar, and a lecture on the benefits of executions."

You can grab a digital copy of "Execution is Fun!" via Tardigrade Inferno's Bandcamp.

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