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The Veer Union

Music Videos

THE VEER UNION Ranges From Poppy Verses To Crushing Choruses On "Standing My Ground"

It's really well-written.

The Veer Union is now streaming their new single "Standing My Ground" which, frankly, accomplishes exactly what I don't think Muse accomplished yesterday. "Standing My Ground" has a poppy verse and a heavy-as-hell chorus just like Muse's new single, but The Veer Union clearly took the time to write instrumentation and leads-ins that really smoothed the whole song over. It also helps that the production hits like a ton of bricks.

"When you're knocked down to the lowest point in your life you really have two choices; you can roll over and die or you can face your demons head-on," said the band." Sometimes you have to dig the deepest you ever have to find the strength to get up, to keep fighting and to push the hardest you ever have to get your life, dreams and/or your sanity back on the trajectory required to find the happiness and sense of accomplishment we all seek.

"'Standing My Ground' is the heaviest track we've ever released. It's an anthem for those who are about to, or have almost lost everything. It serves a reminder that no matter what, no matter how huge the adversity may be, keep going."

Stream "Standing My Ground" here.

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