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Watch: Pro-Shot Footage of METALLICA Performing "St

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Watch: Pro-Shot Footage of METALLICA Performing "St. Anger" In Poland

For a long time, Metallica shied away from playing anything off their almost-universally panned 2003 album, St. Anger, but with time they have slowly introduced the title track back into their set. Before this year, they played the song once in 2015, eight times in 2014 and before that, they hadn't played it for ten years, last performing it in 2004.

But this year, they've already performed the track 19 times. They're madly in anger with you! And you know what, when you take out the terrible drum production, the song doesn't sound too bad. It's still definitely the worst Metallica album, but not as bad as you remember.

[via MetalSucks]

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