Will Haven guitarist Jeff Irwin and Deftones guitarist Stephen Carpenter go way back to playing in Irwin's first band together. Now the duo have teamed up once more for a new Will Haven song called "El Sol" that Irwin describes sounds like if "Will Haven and Deftones had a kid." He's dead on with the description, especially considering Carpenter co-wrote the track, and for that it's even more enjoyable.
"If Will Haven and Deftones had a kid, that's what it would sound like," guitarist Jeff Irwin says of the song. "I was in my first band with Stephen. This was really a family thing. While we were in the studio, he sent us an email with an eight-minute song of all riffs. I added the spacey elements. Our vocalist, Grady, is reciting this famous poem about being kind to your fellow man and taking care of each other. Lyrically, it fits the times."
Will Haven will release their new album Muerte on March 23.