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Skate As METALLICA's James Hetfield In The New Tony Hawk Pro Skater Video Game

Without question, if it wasn't for Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2, I would have never gotten into skateboarding as a sport. The game, with it's super-great soundtrack exposed an entire new world to skating, and made Tony Hawk a Michael Jordan-esque superstar.

After a bunch of iterations, the game was never the same. So, what does a company do? Go for the nostalgia factor. Activision is releasing Tony Hawk's Pro Skater HD "Revert" expansion pack on December 4 via XBox Live download, and there is a familiar face or two in the game.

Both James Hetfield and Robert Trijuillo of Metallica will be available as unlockable characters in the game. You will also get some old school levels from the first two games.

For five bucks, you can make James Hetfield go up really high on a half-pipe and watch him crash and fall and bleed all over the place. Not a bad deal.

[via Gamespot – thanks to DMJ for the heads up]

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This soundtrack will be the biggest in video game history.