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WELL OF NIGHT Offer Seering, Melodic Black Metal Song "Doctrine of Futility and Human Extinction"

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Processed with VSCO with p5 preset

Since 2016, Well of Night have been restlessly building their sound into a rare blend of riff-heavy, energetic and melodic black metal. Years of writing and touring have finally culminated into an album eagerly awaited by fans entitled The Lower Planes of Self-Abstraction.

Decisively moving from demos to a full-length record, this freshman release from Well of Night moves bravely forward, infusing the void that is the black metal universe with a fresh blend of unique melodies and expansive song structures. Each track off of The Lower Planes of Self-Abstraction has a bracing presence and leaves no room for filler. Check out their gripping debut single entitled "Doctrine of Futility and Human Extinction":


It's hard to believe that The Lower Planes of Self-Abstraction is a freshman release for this tight quartet from Dayton, Ohio. What you can expect from the rest of the album is a surprisingly seasoned writing style that moves gracefully from oppressive and dismal to melodic and victorious. Their songs create atmosphere with long, harmonized guitar sections that stay engaged with raw technicality and chaotic riffing. Well of Night's dynamic take on traditional black metal creates original tracks that are engaging and aggressive from start to finish. The band's self-described take on lyrical content goes like this, "Intoxicated and driven mad by the void-nectar of the well, our lyrics weave tales of hallucinations and disembodiment. Denial of the self and submission to the abstract develop into misanthropy and sharp critiques of humanity and modern ideology."

well of night

Guitarist/Vocalist Max Otworth brings a new and interesting perspective to the black metal genre, utilizing his many years of experience playing guitar for black/death legends ACHERON. Joining him in Well of Night is drumming behemoth Lindsey Pitman, masterful guitarist Ethan Vawter (Engraved Darkness), and thunderous bassist Josh McElfresh (Tryblith, Bastet Illuminara).

well of nightPre-order The Lower Planes of Self-Abstraction on Bandcamp, available Summer 2020.

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