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THE ACACIA STRAIN To Close Coma Witch With A 28-Minute Long Song

I bet it's heavy!

I bet it's heavy!

The Acacia Strain have never been one to prolong a riff, let alone an entire song. Which is why it's highly surprising to learn they'll be closing their new album Coma Witch (out October 14) with a 28-minute long song titled "The Observer."

The album will be a two-disc affair, with all of the album being on disc one and then "The Observer" being on the second disc. Didn't Pig Destroyer do this with "Natasha," or even taking it a step further with their Mass and Volume EP?

So maybe it'll be something ridiculously sludgy like that, or at least that's the only theory that makes sense so far… I can't imagine the band has written a 28-minute long song just like their normal songs. That's be a whole lotta riffs!

Regardless, it'll be interesting to see the band knock out a whole new direction with this one! My only concern is that I hope they separate it into it's own category and maybe not let it close the album- I feel like it might be out of place.

[via The PRP]

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