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Here's 15 Seconds of New REVOCATION Music.

Drummer Ash Pearson crushing it in the studio!

Drummer Ash Pearson crushing it in the studio!

A few days ago we posted about Revocation hitting the studio and wondered when the hell Revocation has time to do anything else. Seriously, since its debut album Empire Of The Obscene in 2008, the only years Revocation hasn't released something was 2010 and 2015. Considering the band's relatively inconsistent lineup as well, this is nothing short of amazing!

Now that the band is in the studio, we get to see new drummer Ash Pearson tear it up for a little bit. Pearson used to drum in 3 Inches of Blood, though now that the blood has dried up, Pearson is on to his next project- thrashing it the hell up.

Thrash Pearson

Posted by Revocation on Thursday, January 7, 2016

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