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Meet AMON AMARTH On A Heavy Metal Bar Crawl Through NYC!

Amon Flier

Amon Amarth are currently in NYC building press for their anticipated new release, but they're not leaving our city without some hazy good memories!

Join us for a night of celebration as Johann Hegg and Olavi Mikkonen of Amon Amarth raid NYC's metal bars attempting to quench their viking thirst! All you need to do is show up to one of the three bars the band will be hitting during the bar crawl to have your chance to meet and drink alongside these Scandinavian warriors.

Partaking in the event will be NYC's three finest; Saint Vitus Bar, Duff's Bar, and Lucky 13 Saloon. The night is open to the public and 21+, so hit up your favorite headbanger watering hole from 7-11pm and be ready to party when they come through the doors!

This is the first time Metal Injection will be working with all 3 metal bars in a single night, so make us proud, and make it loud!

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