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Fake: Quarantined Italians Are Not Singing BLACK SABBATH's "War Pigs" From Their Balconies

fake sabbath

The COVID-19 epidemic and the imposed worldwide quarantine is creating some unique ways of social interactions. Apparently, everybody in Italy has a balcony? Earlier this week, we had a moment of distraction seeing one Italian metalhead perform some Slayer for his neighbors.

A bunch of videos have surfaced online of people performing or singing music from their balconies, and now because some people are just bored and stir crazy – a new meme format has been born, creating videos using some of this balcony footage and editing live audio of crowds singing songs to make it seem like Italians are singing those songs. For example, there is a fake video going around of a balcony singing along to Black Sabbath's "War Pigs"

Sorry to burst the bubble, as cool as this would be, but this is doctored video.

Here is the same footage used to pretend the Italians are signing other songs:

I've seen a ton of others but they've been deleted. So don't get fooled.Worse, it looks like the original video is actually OF THE MACARENA!! Dear God, no!! The reason is because this footage is actually the highest quality, and you can hear the person recording joining in.

And this is the best balcony video, anyway.

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