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Fifty-Three Metal Band Names You Cannot Say Over The Radio

Seton Hall University's metal radio station, WSOU, is one of the last vestiges of heavy metal on free over-the-air radio. Many a drives around New York City have been saved by this station, blasting modern hits and old-school classics. But, if you've ever listened to the station, which is housed in a Roman Catholic university, you will realize they never mention the terms "God," "Satan," "devil," or any religious references.

God Forbid becomes G-Forbid is just one example. Now, a memo has leaked from the university staff of every band name you can't say over the air, and it's basically an episode of Death Or No Death.

Fifty-Three Metal Band Names You Cannot Say Over The Radio

While it's hard to choose a favorite, I'm going to have to go with "Wall of Smegma" with "Deep Fried Abortion" coming it at number two. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any actual music from either of these bands which makes me sad. Which is your favorite banned band?

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