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Rejoice: There's A Yelp-ish Search Engine For Metal Bars

Go to somewhere that plays good music, yeah?

Go to somewhere that plays good music, yeah?

Look. If you're going out to a bar, chances are you're going to be surrounded by bro-status idiots and the like. Top that off with generally terrible club music and you're in for a night of pounding cheap beers as quickly as humanly possible just to forget where you are. Fuck that, right?

Enter! The site is essentially a giant map that will point you toward the nearest metal bar. Each page for each separate bar contains reviews about the bar, as well as a short description of what the establishment is like. Plus, if your favorite metal bar isn't on the site yet, just add it! I'm in love with this site based entirely on principle.

There's also a forum on the site for pretty much whatever comes to mind. Never go to Broski's Brewskis again!

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