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Robots Can Play MOTORHEAD's "Ace Of Spaces" Better Than I Can

A big complaint about recording today is that musicians don't really have to "show up" in the studio. They can just play one note and ProTools will format an entire song for them. Well it looks like pretty soon, bands won't even have to show up to play either, if Compressorhead is a glimpse into our future. 

Compressorhead is a heavy metal band in the most literal sense, as in they are robots made of metal. The band features "guitarist” Fingers, “bassist” Bones and drummer “Stickboy” and the band will make their live debut at Australia's "Big Day Out" festival. The "band" have released a video where they crush the Motorhead classic "Ace of Spades". I must note that one thing this band of robots has over puny human bands is that their drummer has four fucking arms!


Hey, if you can make a hologram of Tupac, why can't we have robots playing heavy metal? I'm into it!

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