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Someone Made Motivational Posters Out Of JUDAS PRIEST, MESHUGGAH, SLAYER, Etc. Lyrics

Do you feel motivated to end your week on a positive note? Now you do.

Do you feel motivated to end your week on a positive note? Now you do.

Ryan Times Five is a pretty sweet website, as you can plainly see. Whoever runs the site has been uploading motivational metal lyric posters every Monday with lyrics from bands like Isis, Meshuggah, Megadeth, Mastodon and a whole bunch of others!

I grabbed a few of my favorites, though I definitely urge you to check out their work on their site. There's a lot of really, really good ones on there from bands I wouldn't have thought to have chosen!

futurebreedmachine-web JudasPriest-Painkiller2-web Mastodon-TheMotherload-web Motorhead-AceOfSpades-web Megadeth-PeaceSells-web1 Slayer-war-ensemble-web

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