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Someone Was Grating Cheese Onto Other People At A Show



It's been a weird week for live show shenanigans, though this isn't quite "throwing a dead rat at a band" levels of crazy. Swedish rock band Viagra Boys were playing the Desert Daze festival over the weekend and someone in the crowd started grating cheese on other concertgoers. Like, full-on grating a whole block of cheese on other people. What a waste of cheese.

Stereogum found some photographic evidence in tweets and a TikTok about the cheese grating incident, which you can check out below. And let me tell you – it's certainly someone grating a block of cheese. On other people. At a festival. My biggest question here is how the hell someone got past security with a cheese grater. It's not exactly a knife, but it's still got quite a few edges and sharp surfaces that pose a problem, right?

Anyway, observe the cheesy insanity below.


sharp cheddar at the function ♬ Easy Lovers – Piero Piccioni

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