Hi, what are you looking for?
Abigail Williams, Ghost Bath, and Stormruler will be there too.
Plus Big Business, Spirit Adrift, The Obsessed, Lord Buffalo, and a ton more.
Streaming did over $15 billion in 2021.
It's not on their new album.
Well, we're old now I guess
Linkin Park is still very, very popular.
Rammstein and fire – always a classic.
Headliners include Dua Lipa, Green Day, and Machine Gun Kelly.
They're also working on a follow-up.
Plus the band he'd pick to be the official metal band of G2.
They originally thought about doing just the one song.
"F*ck you. I have never lip synced in my entire life."
He's out of the hospital though!
It's really, really popular.
Dave Wyndorf is currently in physical therapy..