New Music
Hey, did you know these guys are stupid heavy?
Hi, what are you looking for?
Hey, did you know these guys are stupid heavy?
Progressive metal perfection coming soon!
The supporting acts have not yet been announced.
Must be nice to have a government that isn't trash.
The whole thing sounds bizarre as hell.
Members of Lesser Glow and Circle Takes the Square have joined.
There's also a problem with the naming.
Specifically a gothic version of doom. KInda sounds like Woods of Ypres.
Twisted Sister, Alice in Chains, Nirvana, Arch Enemy, Gojira... the list goes on.
Jesse Leach provides a relaxing soundtrack.
They'll be six feet away from each other.
"It's a fascinating idea, and it's an entertaining idea, but it's not true at all."
"There's like two hours worth of ideas."
Fully clothed, of course.
Plus vocalists from Seven Kingdoms, A Sound of Thunder, Master Sword, Plague of Stars, and more!
Dudes deserve every bit of praise they're getting right now.
All the money is going to Direct Relief.
FFO: Mournful Congregation, Esoteric, Chalice of Suffering, Illimitable Dolor, Evoken.