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Bon Scott's Pre-AC/DC Prog Band FRATERNITY Getting Its Own Box Set

There are lots of recorders.

acdc bon scott

AC/DC vocalist Bon Scott fronted AC/DC from 1974 up until his death in 1980. Before he was rocking out loud, Scott fronted a much proggier band named Fraternity starting in 1970. The band's material has been largely unavailable for the past few decades, but is finally seeing an official release as a 3CD set titled Seasons of Change.

The box features both Fraternity albums Livestock and Flaming Galah, as well as a collection of rarities and a lost third album called Second Chance. The band is basically the opposite of what AC/DC sounded like, as you can hear below. There are also a lot of recorded used throughout this song played by Scott, mainly because it's progressive rock in the 1970s.

Grab a copy of Seasons of Change via Amazon and Cherry Red.

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