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Decibel's Clips of the Month

Decibel Clips of the Month, November 2014: Cannibal Corpse, Mastodon, Acheron & A Classic Clip From Machine Head

Every month, Decibel scribe Shane Mehling reviews the four videos that appear in the monthly metal mag. under “Decibel’s Clips of the Month at Metal Injection.” This month, watch picks from Cannibal Corpse, Mastodon, Acheron Wizard and an Machine Head classic clip. 

Cannibal Corpse – “Kill or Become”

I don’t understand this video at all. It’s a guy running around attacking zombies, but aside from one undead, he’s mostly just plunging a chainsaw into their abdomens and walking away like, “Great job, me.” By now, even your shit-covered grandma knows that’s not how you kill a zombie. Cannibal Corpse know better than this. I know they do—part of the chorus is, “Cut their fucking heads off.” They’re yelling this from the garage, dude—why are you not listening? So, yeah, Cannibal are in the clear, but if any kids follow this video’s example, the director’s really opening himself to a lawsuit.

Mastodon – “The Motherload”

Well, I’d heard about this, and now here it is: Mastodon’s butt video. If you have not been made privy to this thing, it starts out like some sort of tribute to Metallica’s “Until It Sleeps,” and then immediately shifts into a bunch of women shaking what God gave them in front of the camera. And that is the entire thing. I mean, at one point, some sort of twerking queen shows up, and her undulating cheeks open a rift in space-time for a few seconds, but the majority of what you’ll see is a group of posteriorly-advanced women moving their tushes in front of a rock band. So, good luck with that.

Acheron – “Satan Holds Dominion”

Well, I couldn’t have asked for something more diametrically opposed to the previous entry than Acheron. This is little more than black-and-white footage of three dudes playing death metal in a basement with candles and pentagrams, and I think there’s an entire demon’s skull pasted onto a kick drum. There isn’t really a storyline going on, unless you consider the singer occasionally putting on a cloak and then wearing sunglasses a compelling tale; but with those costume changes, and the drummer also being bald with a beard, I spent half the video wondering if there was some sort of Satanic cloning project I didn’t know about.

CLASSIC CLIP: Machine Head – “Davidian”

There have been some rad classic clips I’ve reviewed before, but let me channel the 13-year-old who wore his XL “Let Freedom Ring With a Shotgun Blast” T-shirt with pride (ahem): This is a really awesome video from one of the heaviest bands out there. They’re from Oakland, which is a super dangerous city, and Robb Flynn has cornrows, which means he’s metal, but also understands the streets. They’re like Biohazard, but even tougher. I’m really into super heavy and underground music like this. And I’m also glad there isn’t a parental advisory sticker on the front, because my mom wouldn’t have let me buy it.

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