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Extreme of the Extreme

Extreme Of The Extreme: NOX IRAE Go Old School With "Primordial Life"


Out of France comes Nox Irae, a death metal band preparing their debut release. Their debut EP, Here The Dead Live, is being released in November through Transcending Obscurity Records. To prepare for the official release, Nox Irae are ready to show off their newest single "Primordial Life". The easiest way to explain their sound is "Morbid Angel worship", beginning to end, this track sounds like something yanked right off of Altars Of Madness.

Extreme Of The Extreme: NOX IRAE Go Old School With "Primordial Life"

Nox Irae aimed to pull in the original death metal fans with this track and it works. It's got hooks and riffs around every corner and that dirtier sounding production that make early Morbid Angel and Obituary sound so recognisable. The song alternates between slower chugging, putting the vocals in the forefront, and more aggressive, high tempo sections. Nox Irae aimed to fit everything they could into this three minute track, without making it feel overcrowded and disjointed.

At the end of the day, read about it all you want, but it's easier to hear it. "Primordial Life", the newest single off Nox Irae's debut EP Here The Dead Live is available to listen to now. Check it out, pick up the album November 8th and enjoy the metal.


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Extreme of the Extreme

A few weeks back we debuted the new single, "Primordial Life", from French band Nox Irae. This time around, Nox Irae are happy to...