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KRALLICE Is Streaming Its New Album Loüm With NEUROSIS' Bassist On Vocals

Dave Edwardson mans the keyboards and vocals throughout the whole album.

Dave Edwardson mans the keyboards and vocals throughout the whole album.

Krallice hasn't been one for singles or teases leading up to a new album in recent years. Krallice says it'll release an album eventually, and one day you just wake up and there it is. Their new album Loüm is out today, which features Neurosis bassist and vocalist Dave Edwardson on keys and lead vocals, and it's pretty great.

You can stream the album below and check out pre-order options here. I say pre-order because you can actually order Loüm and the band's next 2017 album Go Be Forgotten all at once. No word on when Go Be Forgotten is coming out, but the shipping dates say "late November or early December," so I'd like to imagine it's somewhere around then.

Anyway, go get your Krallice & Dave Edwardson on.

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