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The Monday Grind

The Monday Grind Song Premiere: FAWN LIMBS Unleash Grinding Chaos And Pulverization With "Metrae"

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with a song premiere from Fawn Limbs titled “Metrae.”

FL promo pic 2020

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with a song premiere from Fawn Limbs titled “Metrae.”

I hope you are all ready for a pulverizing because it’s coming in shortly. If you follow this column at all you should know who Fawn Limbs is, “geometric noise, mathematical chaos” (Paul Pavlovich, Roman Numerals label-head). Their full-length debut Harm Remissions was one of my favorite records of 2019 and debatably one of the best 10 grind records of the last decade. And only a year later, the band is ready to unleash another full-length on us.

Their upcoming record Sleeper Vessels is going to drop September 18th and today we get a twisted taste of things to come with their debut track “Metrae.”

From Eeli Helin (guitars, vocals, noise, art):

”We chose to lead with ‘Metrae’ solely because of the fact that it encapsulates our current essence and the new album as an entirety in all it’s chaotic but curated, no holds barred auditory beating. While the emphasis on this track is on the more deranged end, it represents the rest suitably. While this by no means is a concept album, there’s recurring and overarching themes, dealing with matters of abuse, racism and xenophobia, mental illnesses, and unwellness generally. ‘Metrae’ is a narrative depicting how each and every single one of us are being brought to a world of suffering and pain, bereft of love and warmth, and raised to ultimately fail in everything.”

An auditory beating it is, this album is quick to get to the point but not so much that one might think they know the score. Like roots, this track twists and turns, but without losing its aggressive edge. It starts blasting and then it blasts some more. Fawn Limbs quickly move things into the jarring territory and start pulling things left and right. The track is just a little over two-minutes but what comes out of it is sheer visceral mathgrind at its most furious.

According to the band’s press release, Fawn Limbs has immersed themselves further in their craft in order to produce Sleeper Vessels, a record that reaches both the “highest of highs and lowest of lows of their existence.” And considering the reoccurring themes of the album, as discussed above, this album is going to be dark, angry, twisting, and brutal.

With “Metrae” alone, bar has been raised and Fawn Limbs are ready to claim the crown, but likely only to crush it. Preorders can be found below.

Fawn Limbs | Bandcamp | Facebook | Instagram
US vinyl: Roman Numeral Records | Store | Bandcamp
EU vinyl: Wolves And Vibrancy Records | Store | Bandcamp
CD: Dark Trail Records | Store | Bandcamp
Tape: The Sludgelord Records | Bandcamp

I'm here, here and here.

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