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GWAR Offer Important COVID-19 PSA: "Drink Bleach!"

GWAR are not doctors.

jizmak bleach

In the wake of the President of the United States, Donald Trump's recent, possibly sarcastic comments, about injecting disinfectants, GWAR wanted to offer a helpful PSA. And there is no indication they are being sarcastic.

GWAR recommend drinking bleach. Drummer Jizmak Da Gusha commented in a recent PSA:

“It was really great to hear our president in America say that it was ok to, y’know, use bleach as a cleaner, or as a drug. I mean, GWAR’s been using it as a drug forever, so, y’know, this is the stuff. You can inhale it, that’s a fun way… you can try to smoke it, shoot it… obviously drink it is the best. That’s what I like to do, just get the big old bottle and chug away! So if you wanna stay safe from COVID-19, drink bleach, shoot it, smoke it like I said before, GWAR does it all the ways.”

This matches similar comments made to us by GWAR guitarist Pustulus Maximus, who suggested that once all of this dies down, they want to give humans COVID-20.

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