What a week for Five Finger Death Punch, right? It all started at a show on November 26, where frontman Ivan Moody bailed mid-show because his mother had passed away and he was stricken with grief. That turned out to be a big fat lie, Moody admitted that he had a mental breakdown in a very confusing confession that involved Kanye West, and Moody soon left the band's tour due to "falling ill."
In his absence, All That Remains frontman Phil Labonte has taken his place, and his first took place last night. For what it's worth, his yelling bits are up to snuff, as much as yelling can match someone else's monotone yelling, and the clean vocals… you can just see for yourself below.
To Labonte's credit, I have no idea how much time he had to prepare for this, so there's definitely that factor.