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New ENABLER Track “Fail to Feel Safe” Is A Total Ripper!

We're big fans of Enabler here at Metal Injection… so much so that one of us went and joined the band. (Full disclosure: MI co-owner Frank Godla drums in the band now).

Enabler pack quite the punch both live and on record, and if you need further proof, our buddies at MetalSucks just premiered the title track from their new album, "Fail To Feel Safe," which is three and a half minutes of total descruction. Go listen to it. Seriously, we'll wait.

See? Pretty ripping right? If that's not enough for you, you can head over to Gear Gods to see mastermind Jeff Lohrber's rig.

Enabler's Fail to Feel Safe is out August 7 via Century Media. Pre-order it here! A studio report can be seen below:


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