ONEGODLESS is a band that features bassist Robin Zielhorst (ex-Cynic, Exivious), vocalist Pieter Verpaalen (ex-Textures), guitarist Yordi Lopez (Red Eyes) and drummer Yuma van Eekelen (Exivious, ex-Pestilence), and who was previously known as Mourn. ONEGODLESS will be releasing its debut LP sometime early this year, and you can pre-order/help the band fund that release right here.
So what does ONEGODLESS sound like? Well, according to the group, it's classified as "HEAVYSTONERBLUESGROOVEROCKSLUDGEMETAL." Sure, that sounds kind of ridiculous when you look at it, but it's a really accurate description. It's basically low-tuned stoner metal that's pissed off and acquired a double bass drum pedal at some point, and it rules.