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Song Premiere

REVOLTING Unleash A Death Metal Blitz On "The Shadow At The World's End"


Rogga Johansson is easily one of, if not the most hard working Swede in metal today. Between is work with Johansson & Speckmann, Paganizer, his solo work, and countless other projects, it's surprising Johansson has any free time at all in his life. The truth is though, he must, because new projects keep popping up and they're never just one off projects. Take Revolting for instance, they're getting ready to release their 7th full length album in 12 years. 

As such, it's my pleasure to welcome you to the new single from the upcoming album The Shadow At the World's End. This new track, and the title track of the album, is every bit of old school death metal that you could ever ask for. Mid tempo riffs with explosive drums, something to make even Obituary jealous of! Not to mention Johansson's absolutely dominating vocals and horror themed lyrics to cap out the death metal feel.

REVOLTING Unleash A Death Metal Blitz On "The Shadow At The World's End"

Courtesy of Revolting and Transcending Obscurity Records, you can now check out the new single. The new album The Shadow At the World's End releases November 27th and the album is currently available for pre-order digitally though Bandcamp, or physically with a neat little box set on the Transcending Obscurity Records Webshop.


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