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XSPONGEXCOREX Brings Forth The Hardcore… At Night



xSPONGEXCOREx is by far one of the goofiest heavy bands out there that you can't help but get into. Seriously, swing over to the project's Bandcamp and try not to head bang until your neck hurts and laugh until you have six pack abs. Who knew Bikini Bottom was xXHARDXCOREXx?!

Well, that or you could just jam our exclusive premiere of "At Night." Go ahead and turn the volume way up, because chances are anyone within ear shot is going to have a fucking ball jamming along with you on this one. Keep an eye on the project as well on Facebook! Merchandise is occasionally for sale and it's worth picking up and there's even some charity sales going on… also, you'll get Spongebob hardcore.

So go ahead and fear the xXHASHxSLINGINGxSLASHERXx right this second.

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