The following editorial is republished from our forum, where it was originally posted by one of our favorite junkies, keepitwolfson: To some, the acquisition...
Hi, what are you looking for?
"Simply put, Headbangers Boat is something that I hope every person who loves this genre can experience at least once in their life."
Yes, it holds up great.
The following editorial is republished from our forum, where it was originally posted by one of our favorite junkies, keepitwolfson: To some, the acquisition...
by: Frank Godla [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BH8nfDIOkFk[/youtube] Oh man, this track takes me back to my youngest of cognitive metal years. It was a time where high-top...
by: Noa Avior James LaBrie, you didn't continue life as a battered woman. Mike Portnoy left you for a young piece of meat but...
by: Frank Godla [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9W40R7Hw2aw[/youtube] As sponsors of NYC's No Mercy Metal Showcase I naturally made my way down to check out a slew of...
[vimeo]http://vimeo.com/3615538[/vimeo] by: Frank Godla I'll start this off by admitting I am a huge fan of bands that put on a sweet light show....
By: Graham "Gruhamed" Hartmann We are living in a time of mass ignorance, with anger fueling anger and propaganda influencing millions every day. Even...
by: Frank Godla If you're paying attention then you already know I'm not very good at hiding bands that I love. One example would...
By – Noa Avior [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gWE9YmB8reQ[/youtube] Have you ever tried biting into aluminum foil? You know that electric feeling that goes from your jaw to...
by: Frank Godla You read that right! In an effort to raise money for the Andre Agassi Foundation for Education, a not for profit...
by: Frank Godla [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeAgh6pSbVM[/youtube] FUCK YES!! I'm always surprised to learn many people either never heard of Fight, or simply never got hip to...
by: Sean Gresens I'm going to try something different with this one. Instead of just a general blanket statement about the band as a...
[dailymotion]http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x12hnu_machine-head-from-this-day_music[/dailymotion] by Frank Godla I know right now your probably thinking "Dude, why!?" While I don't have a great explanation to that question, I...
by: Noa Avior [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7FUk076wuw[/youtube] Every now and then I like to peruse the interwebs and look for all the ways that I can truly...
Welcome to the inaugural post of the weekly column that introduces you to viciously delicious bands that may have slipped under your vast metal...
by: Noa Avior You're probably scratching your head like an orangutan wondering why in the world would a predominantly heavy metal site post a...
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=457-Y8GYVtg[/youtube] Back in the day NO band was heavier than Crowbar, pun intended! The obvious jokes aside, the early 90's were a very strange...
by: Noa Avior As I sit here lamenting over Mike Portnoy's break up with Dream Theater I ask myself, why? Why am I eating...
On the heels of wrapping up the most extreme tour of the Summer, we present another thrilling advice column from The Red Chord bassist...
Instead of practicing with his band, The Red Chord for their upcoming co-headlining spot on Summer Slaughter, bassist Greg Weeks checked in answering a...
Welcome to Revelations of Doom, Metal Injection's portal into the seedy underworld of extreme metal. Your tour guide is, as always, Grim Kim, and...
Welcome to Revelations of Doom, Metal Injection's friendly little periodic reminder that there's more to metal than Mastodon and Metallica. Kvlt correspondent Grim Kim...
By: Navjot Kaur Sobti Respiring in the capillaries of all we hail as classic and timeless in thrash is METALLICA'S Master of Puppets. The...
When Greg Weeks isn't harassing booth babes at NAMM, or owning the low end with his band, The Red Chord (currently on tour), the...