Metal Science
You've already made up your mind. Trust me.
Hi, what are you looking for?
"It's as if the music is so rich, flavorsome, and satisfying it bleeds into our other senses."
Nine Inch Nails also gets a shout out.
“They cannot merely publish a spontaneously produced, seemingly authentic video of their playing."
You've already made up your mind. Trust me.
From Billboard's top 100 artists.
ICP are ahead of their time.
No seriously, you can be Dr. Metal.
I don't know about you, but when I am barreling down a highway (at the speed limit of 65mph of course), nothing helps keep...
Vocals are for idiots. Sorry, everyone, but them's the facts.
Yeah, that's pretty brutal.
It's doing a shockingly good job.
"[Death metal] fans are nice people. They're not going to go out and hurt someone."
The study surveyed over 2,200 musicians and determined that they're up to three times more likely to experience depression compared to a non-musician.
They named it after them in Latin, of course.
Metal is a "complex, inclusive and global community that now encompasses several generations."
Consider me immortal
Thank you for clarifying, Science.
If you're 24, then you're in the prime of discovering new jams.
DRMBOT0110 is an inhuman drummer. Literally.
Maybe not Cannibal Corpse, but yeah.