Hi, what are you looking for?
Singles and work on a new record are part of the plan!
“I had to leave the room because it was so fucking good”
It ran from April to August.
Or Corey is just having a weird day.
"He was kind of on to something on that because it kind of started to take a downturn after that."
"The title meant one thing but the lyrics meant another."
They still like the AI one, though.
Born Of Osiris has not yet named a replacement.
Rob Halford wants you to hear them.
Congratulations to the happy couple!
"I'm going to be writing music in two or three weeks."
Avenged Sevenfold – a band always at the cutting edge of technology – has just released a new VR show dubbed Avenged Sevenfold VR...
"I told you it was bad. Put a sticker on it – it's gonna need it."
"It's wrong. It's just wrong."
"I screamed my last scream and wrapped up vocals."
You ever secretly give someone estrogen so they look less manly and then you can steal their partner?
"But at the same time, I've always felt like being prepared was important in case a big band like this did call me."
Plus a guest spot from a certain other frontman?