Hi, what are you looking for?
"I'm walking in a more healed version of myself."
Hatrix is sadly unable to work at this time.
"I'm not sure if I'm really made for being like a hired-gun kind of guy."
The power metal legends have no plans to slow down
"Teemu is the right guy for Megadeth. And Kiko knows that Teemu is the right guy for me."
"We're gonna have to be more efficient."
Though he doesn't have a strong opinion on it otherwise.
"It just annoys the hell out of me. Anyway, yeah, I lost my temper."
He's doing just fine now.
"Why don't you just call it the Music Hall of Fame?"
"But we're all pretty stoked to get this started."
"To spread hate the way he does, it shouldn't be allowed."
We back Ozzy on this one, obviously.
Plus a Dethklok tour.
Another rumor, of course.
"As the tides turn and as things go, I'm super happy and very content with everything I'm doing now."
"So it's more hard rock stuff. It's everything from disco to The Knack to Kiss to a bit of Van Halen."
"I kind of apologized to the band"
Everything seems to be alright now.