Hi, what are you looking for?
"Richie came along with boundless enthusiasm and all this energy, and he just sort of rubbed off on the rest of us."
Shout out to Gustav Holst.
"Sodom is the only metal band who would never make money with signing sessions or photo sessions."
Shout out to Kourtney Kardashian, I guess?
"It's a big night in so many ways."
"It doesn't feel like we're as much a part of the mainstream conversation as it has been in the past."
"Our music doesn’t need intellectualizing or philosophizing.”
"We started to notice music going viral on TikTok and we were just kind of, like, 'What's going on here?'"
"Man, I just don't think I really can anymore."
Becoming a true musician and artist takes time, effort, and patience
Jacob Clark-Jendrock, 24, and Anthony Acosta, 32 are currently missing.
Kiss guitar tech Francis Stueber died from COVID in 2021.
"I think it would have to be allied with a new studio project”
"Lars never rehearsed ever until — I don't know — I'd say maybe four or five years ago."
The Los Angeles show was a part of it.
“I’ve said this to people my entire life, that music is medicine.”
Keith Buckley has returned!
"We wish to convey our profound disappointment and our unequivocal condemnation of this matter."
"Doing Vol. 3 was just as big a risk as making Iowa.