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3 INCHES OF BLOOD Talk Playing The Upcoming Metal Injection Fest, Their Reunion & Setlist Surprises

Who's a fan of Advance And Vanquish?

3 Inches Of Blood 2024

3 Inches Of Blood is hitting the stage on the East Coast for the first time in over a decade this September as part of Metal Injection Festival 2024. While fans shouldn't expect new music from 3 Inches Of Blood at the show, they should expect a ton of classics.

"The main difference between this show and previous ones will be that you've never seen us play so many songs off Advance And Vanquish," said 3 Inches Of Blood drummer Ash Pearson. "We're gonna be playing a good chunk of that album, and a good bit of Fire Up The Blades as well. It'll be a real energy return.”

3 Inches Of Blood vocalist Cam Pipes chimed in, joking that the band might look a little different these days as well.

"Everyone can expect to see a few more gray hairs," said Pipes. "Ash makes a good point. We have not played songs from Advance And Vanquish that much before."

Pipes later noted that 3 Inches Of Blood's reunion wasn't planned around Advance And Vanquish turning 20, it just happened that way.

"It wasn't our intention to do an anniversary thing. It was incidental. We just sorta started talking a little while ago like, 'hey might this be a good idea to get back together. Oh hey, 2024 is the 20th anniversary!' It'll be fun to see everyone there at the Metal Injection show, and to come back to NY. We don't have very many festival appearances lined up, so this'll be fun."

As for the reunion shows and the upcoming Metal Injection Festival, Pearson mentioned that everything has been going great so far.

"We allowed ourselves time to prepare for these shows and that totally paid off. Psychologically we wanted to feel like, 'okay, we've had a lot of jams. We sound good, we feel good.' It's been revitalizing to oversee the facets of our return in terms of logistics and what we wanna play. Returning to New York will be a very significant event for us.

"It'll be a hit of nostalgia, but you won't be seeing a band that's riding on nostalgia. It'll be a real high-energy energy return."

Metal Injection Festival 2024 will be held in New York at Brooklyn Monarch & Meadows on September 21 & 22, with tickets available right here. The festival roster includes:

  • Jinjer
  • Converge
  • God Forbid (performing Gone Forever)
  • 3 Inches of Blood (first east coast show in over a decade)
  • Hanabie.
  • Cave In (Stephen Brodsky & Adam McGrath acoustic set)
  • Rivers Of Nihil
  • Revocation
  • Goatwhore
  • Pallid Veil (commissioned world debut)
  • Oceans of Slumber
  • Carbomb
  • Bodybox
  • Gost
  • Born of Osiris
  • Wretched
  • Jesus Wept
  • Hath
  • Cognitive
  • Vitriol
  • The Phantom Eye
  • Necrofier
  • Genocide Pact
  • Shock Withdrawal
  • Johnny Booth
  • Uncured
  • Hue
  • Lamacchia
  • Del Judas
  • Vermin Dog
  • Fellhin Fall

Get your tickets here.

INCHES OF BLOOD Talk Playing The Upcoming Metal Injection Fest, Their Reunion & Setlist Surprises" class="wp-image-484547"/>
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