This week's top stories include former Mötley Crüe vocalist John Corabi not quite buying that Mick Mars actually retired, Fear Factory's Dino Cazares and Dark Funeral's Lord Ahriman discussing the difficulties of touring, and two separate stories on Lars Ulrich's drumming. Check 'em out below and have a great weekend!
- JOHN CORABI On MÖTLEY CRÜE Hiring JOHN 5: "I Can't Help But Think That They Just Went For The Upgrade"
- FEAR FACTORY's Next Tour Will Be In A Van: "The Cost Of Touring Is Making It Impossible To Make Any Money"
- BAM MARGERA Is Out Of The Hospital
- RICK HUNOLT On Leaving EXODUS: "I Was Homeless"
- REX BROWN Disagrees That PHIL ANSELMO Caused DIMEBAG's Death
- Here's LARS ULRICH's Isolated Drum Tracks From METALLICA's "Lux Æterna"
- Here's Your First Look At The TOOL Fetus Skull
- DARK FUNERAL's LORD AHRIMAN: "The Venues Will Slowly Kill The Live Scene With Their Outrageous Merch Cuts"
- This AI Is Not Impressed With LARS ULRICH's Drumming
- GHOST Streams Rare 1969 Performance Of "Mary On A Cross"