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Black Metal Chronicles

Here Are The 40 Best Black Metal Albums Ever According to Metal Hammer

Some pretty obvious one in here, some not so much.

Some pretty obvious one in here, some not so much.

Metal Hammer has taken to their site Louder Sound to publish what they believe are the best 40 black metal albums of all time.

There are some pretty obvious choices in there alongside some really interesting ones. One that I initially wanted to call bullshit on was Morbid Visions by Sepultura, but I see where they're coming from – it's basically blackened thrash. Whether or not it belongs on this list is a different story.

Check out the quick and dirty list below.

Venom – Black Metal
Hellhamer – Apocalyptic Raids
Celtic Frost – To Mega Therion
Sodom – Obsessed By Cruelty
KAT – Metal And Hell
Sepultura – Morbid Visions
Vulcano – Bloody Vengeance
SarcĂ³fago – I.N.R.I.
Bathory – Under The Sign Of The Black Mark
Tormentor – Anno Domini
Blasphemy – Fallen Angel Of Doom…
Master’s Hammer – Ritual
Darkthrone – A Blaze In The Northern Sky
Samael – Blood Ritual
Emperor/Enslaved – Emperor/Hordanes Land
Beherit – Drawing Down The Moon
Immortal – Pure Holocaust
Impaled Nazarene – Ugra-Karma
Mystifier – Göetia
Mayhem – De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Vlad Tepes/Belkètre – March To The Black Holocaust
Dissection – Storm Of The Light’s Bane
Burzum – Filosofem
Mysticum – In The Streams Of Inferno
Rotting Christ – Non Serviam
Absu – The Sun Of Tiphareth
Ulver – Bergtatt – Et Eeventyr i 5 Capitler
Satyricon – Nemesis Divina
Gorgoroth – Antichrist
Arcturus – Las Masquerade Infernale
Weakling – Dead As Dreams
Windir – 1184
Forgotten Tomb – Springtime Depression
Watain – Casus Luciferi
Taake – Hordalands Doedskvad
Evilfeast – Funeral Sorcery
Blacklodge – Solarkult
Negura Bunget – Om
Marduk – Rom 5:12
Deathspell Omega – Fas – Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem Aeternum

Get more in-depth with their picks here.


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