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Metal In The Mainstream

Maynard Responds To JUSTIN BIEBER's TOOL Fandom In Most Maynard Way Possible

He must've been so high.

justin bieber tool

You may recall, a few years ago, Justin Bieber had somewhat of a metal phase. In 2016, he was wearing Metallica shirts a lot, rocking Iron Maiden tees, lipsyncing Ozzy Osbourne tunes, and even hanging out with Anthrax's Frankie Bello. He released a line of death metal-inspired tour merch designed by famed metal artist Mark Riddick. In March of 2016, he posted a selfie with shock rocker Marilyn Manson sparking a new friendship, which led to a feud when Bieber released a $195 shirt with Manson's old design on it without allegedly clearing it with Manson. Then, Bieber went on to get married and got out of metal for a while. But, lately, he's had a Tool song stuck in his head.

Bieber shared a passage of lyrics from the Tool song "The Pot" on his Instagram page today and asked fans if they actually knew the song.

Maynard Responds To JUSTIN BIEBER's TOOL Fandom In Most Maynard Way Possible

I'm guessing most of his fans didn't, but it's cool if they googled "Who are you to wave your finger?" lyrics and found a Tool song.

Ironically, during last year's Tool guitar clinics, ThePRP points out that Adam Jones joked that he was listening to Justin Bieber for inspiration for the next Tool album.

Update: The news of Bieber's fandom has hit Maynard, who responded via Twitter:

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