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EXTINCTION A.D.'s New Song "1992" Is Extremely Pissed Off

The riffs are beefy. Real beefy.

Extinction A.D

Extinction A.D. is now streaming their blistering new single "1992" off their coming record Culture Of Violence. So if you're in the mood for neck-breaking riffs and some seriously ass-kicking breakdowns, then you're going to love this.

"1992 – I was 12 years old in 1992 and the weight of the events that took place in America were heavy," said vocalist and guitarist Rick Jimenez. "Throughout the last decade and into this one, I've gone back and drawn parallels between what's happened in our recent history and what's happening now all while viewing things now through the eyes of an adult. This song is a pummeller both musically and thematically and will hopefully open some eyes about the problem with not learning from the past."

Culture Of Violence is out March 18. Pre-orders are available here.

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